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The Illusion of Ownership

Breaking Free from the “I” and “Mine” Mentality

In our daily lives, we often hear people say, “This is my house,” “This is my success,” or “I am in control of my life.” This sense of ownership and self-importance is so deeply ingrained that it feels natural. Yet, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam reveals a profound truth: this mindset is a result of being trapped by the Lord’s illusory energy (Māyā), which deceives living beings into believing they are the ultimate controllers and proprietors.

This illusion is beautifully described in the following verse:

“The illusory energy of the Lord cannot take precedence, being ashamed of her position, but those who are bewildered by her always talk nonsense, being absorbed in thoughts of ‘It is I’ and ‘It is mine.'” (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.5.13)

This verse reveals that while Māyā cannot directly influence those who surrender to Krishna, she easily entangles those who are disconnected from Him. Such individuals become absorbed in false notions of self-importance and possessiveness, leading to a life of illusion and suffering.

The Power of Māyā: The Lord’s Deluding Energy

Māyā, the illusory energy of the Lord, is extraordinarily powerful. Her role is to keep conditioned souls trapped in the cycle of birth and death by making them believe in temporary identities and false ownership. She operates subtly, creating the illusion that we are independent controllers of our lives.

Śrīla Prabhupāda explains that those under the grip of Māyā speak nonsense, driven by pride and ego. They constantly claim ownership over things they have no control over. Yet, this illusion vanishes when one surrenders to Krishna.

Krishna Himself says in the Bhagavad-gita:

“Daivī hyeṣā guṇamayī mama māyā duratyayā”
“This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome.” (Bhagavad-gita 7.14)

But Krishna immediately assures:

“Mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te”
“Those who surrender unto Me can easily cross beyond it.”

Thus, surrendering to Krishna is the only way to escape the illusion of false ownership and pride.

Case Study: The Rise and Fall of a Business Tycoon

Consider the real-life story of a successful business tycoon who believed he was the sole architect of his fortune. Rising from humble beginnings, he built a global empire. His wealth, power, and influence made him feel invincible. His motto was, “I created this, and it belongs to me.”

However, during a global economic downturn, his company collapsed. His assets were seized, his reputation was tarnished, and his family distanced themselves. Reflecting on his life, he realized that despite his intelligence and effort, external factors beyond his control led to his downfall.

In his solitude, he encountered the Bhagavad-gita and read Krishna’s words:

“Kṣetra-jñaṁ cāpi māṁ viddhi sarva-kṣetreṣu bhārata”
“Know that I am also the knower in all bodies.” (Bhagavad-gita 13.3)

This verse struck him deeply. He understood that while he had been absorbed in the illusion of ownership, Krishna was always the actual proprietor and controller. This realization transformed him. He began dedicating his wealth and resources to Krishna’s service, finding peace and fulfillment beyond material success.

The False Ego: “I” and “Mine”

The core of the problem lies in the false ego, which convinces us of two dangerous ideas:

  1. “I am the doer.”
    We believe our intelligence, strength, and abilities are independent.
  2. “This is mine.”
    We claim ownership over our family, wealth, property, and even our body.

Krishna refutes this illusion:

“Ahaḿ bīja-pradaḥ pitā”
“I am the seed-giving father of all living beings.” (Bhagavad-gita 14.4)

The truth is, everything belongs to Krishna. We are merely caretakers. This realization brings humility and frees us from the anxiety of losing what was never ours.

Lessons from Vedic History: Hiranyakashipu’s Arrogance

Hiranyakashipu, a powerful demon king, is a perfect example of the destructive nature of the “I” and “Mine” mentality. His pride in his power led him to believe he was invincible and that the universe was under his control.

He demanded worship and opposed his own son, Prahlāda Mahārāja, for being devoted to Lord Vishnu. But in the end, Lord Narasimhadeva, an incarnation of Krishna, appeared and destroyed him, proving that no one can claim ownership over creation.

This pastime teaches us that arrogance rooted in false ownership leads to destruction, while surrender to Krishna leads to protection and eternal joy.

Freedom Through Surrender to Krishna

To break free from the illusion of Māyā, we must realign our consciousness with Krishna, the Supreme Owner and Controller. Here’s how:

  1. Chant Krishna’s Holy Names
    The Hare Krishna mantra purifies the heart and removes the false ego:
    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
  2. Offer Everything to Krishna
    Whatever we possess—our talents, resources, and actions—should be offered to Krishna. This purifies our sense of ownership.
  3. Read and Reflect on Scriptures
    Studying the Bhagavad-gita and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam helps dismantle the “I” and “Mine” mentality and reveals Krishna as the ultimate proprietor.
  4. Engage in Devotional Service
    Serving Krishna through temple activities, cooking prasadam, or sharing Krishna consciousness aligns us with our real identity as His servant.

Call to Action: Let Go of “I” and “Mine”

Reflect on your life:

  • Do you feel anxious about losing something?
  • Do you take sole credit for your achievements?
  • Do you believe that happiness comes from controlling and owning things?

Let this be a turning point. Release the illusion of control and surrender to Krishna. Recognize that everything we have is Krishna’s gift.

Śrīla Prabhupāda beautifully said:

“Nothing belongs to us. Everything belongs to Krishna, and we are His eternal servants.”

By letting go of false pride and possessiveness, we find peace, purpose, and joy in Krishna’s loving shelter.

Today, take a step back and say:
“Krishna, everything I have is Yours. I am Yours.”

That simple realization can transform your life.

Are you ready to let go and let Krishna take control?

Start now. Surrender. Be free.

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