This site contains references and resources related to Krishna Consciousness

Qualities possessed by Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, and Krishna

Qualities possessed by Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, and Krishna (50 qualities):

  1. Beautiful features.
  2. Auspicious characteristics.
  3. Pleasing.
  4. Effulgent.
  5. Strong.
  6. Ever youthful.
  7. Wonderful linguist.
  8. Truthful.
  9. Talks pleasingly.
  10. Fluent.
  11. Highly learned.
  12. Highly intelligent.
  13. Genius.
  14. Artistic.
  15. Clever.
  16. Expert.
  17. Grateful.
  18. Firmly determined.
  19. An expert judge of time and circumstances.
  20. Sees and speaks on the authority of scriptures.
  21. Pure.
  22. Self-controlled.
  23. Steadfast.
  24. Forbearing.
  25. Forgiving.
  26. Grave.
  27. Self-satisfied.
  28. Possessing equilibrium.
  29. Magnanimous.
  30. Religious.
  31. Heroic.
  32. Compassionate.
  33. Respectful.
  34. Gentle.
  35. Liberal.
  36. Shy.
  37. Protector of surrendered souls.
  38. Happy.
  39. Well-wisher of devotees.
  40. Controlled by love.
  41. All-auspicious.
  42. Most powerful.
  43. All-famous.
  44. Popular.
  45. Partial to devotees.
  46. Very attractive to all women.
  47. All-worshipable.
  48. All-opulent.
  49. All-honorable.
  50. Supreme controller.


  • Fully possessed by Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Krishna.
  • Manifested to the fullest extent only in Lord Vishnu and Krishna.

Qualities possessed by Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Krishna (5 additional qualities):

  1. Changeless.
  2. All-cognizant.
  3. Ever fresh.
  4. Satchidananda-vigraha (eternal, full of knowledge and bliss).
  5. Possessing all mystic perfections.


  • Fully manifested in Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Krishna.
  • Not fully present in Lord Brahma.

Qualities possessed by Lord Vishnu and Krishna (5 additional qualities):

  1. Inconceivable potency.
  2. Creating innumerable universes.
  3. The original source of all incarnations.
  4. The giver of salvation to the enemies He kills.
  5. The attractor of liberated souls.


  • Fully manifested in Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna.
  • Not present in Lord Shiva or Lord Brahma.

Qualities unique to Krishna (4 additional qualities):

  1. Performs extraordinary pastimes (like Rasa-lila).
  2. Surrounded by devotees endowed with wonderful love of Godhead.
  3. Possesses a unique and sweet flute (Venu Madhurya).
  4. Possesses unparalleled beauty (Rupa Madhurya).


  • Fully manifested only in Lord Krishna.
  • Not present in Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, or Lord Brahma.


  • Lord Brahma: 50 qualities.
  • Lord Shiva: 55 qualities.
  • Lord Vishnu: 60 qualities.
  • Lord Krishna: 64 qualities.

This hierarchy illustrates the supremacy of Krishna as the most complete manifestation of the Absolute Truth (Para Brahman).

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